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How do I cancel my subscription

How do I cancel my subscription

Chip Ray , 25.05.2019, 20:35
Idea status: completed


Gamcore, 26.05.2019, 11:14
Dear visitor, Please note that our website (gamcore and 69games) never ever requests neither money nor credit card details for age validation!
All games on our website are completely for free, and we never request and banking details. ever!
You can easily remove your account by vistiing page http://gamcore.com/deleteaccount

In case you were prompted for Credit Card details, we may guess it is because not very honest third-party advertisers.
You can check all games and unsubscribe here:

And if there is a geme you have played, you may request your money back here:

Please let us know if you have any more questions or concerns

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